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Серия добавлена 26.11.2020
В 4 серии 1 сезона сериала "Позвони моему агенту"

Dicle, who came out with great disappointment from the gala she went to with great hopes, is determined to stand up against anyone who tries to turn her away. While Dicle had to take care of the photoshoot that came between Baris and Beren, Feris' actor Edis and Cinar's actor Melisa Şenolsun experiences great tension on the set of the series they have been acting together for a long time. Meanwhile, Kıraç, who plans to leave the Ego Agency, takes action to take Demet Akbağ with him. Dicle learns the secret of Kıraç, who hides that he is leaving the agency. Now he is torn between keeping the secret of her father, who ignored her, and telling the truth to the people who gave her a chance at her most difficult time...


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