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Серия добавлена 26.11.2020
В 1 серии 1 сезона сериала "Позвони моему агенту"

Dicle has come to Istanbul to chase her dreams from Antalya. She tries very hard to carve out a role for herself in the movie world, and to survive in this vast and merciless city. Despite her efforts for finding a job, every production company turns her down. She eventually realizes that this industry she dreams about is unfortunately filled with sharks. Only one person is left to turn to for her when she runs out of all hope; her father Kıraç Özdal, who has left her before she was born and hasn’t even seen her in years. Kıraç is one of the five partners of a renowned agency; Ego Agency. He's shocked when he suddenly sees his daughter, Dicle, who he has kept a secret from everyone. Dicle’s pride is broken when her father wards off her request to help her… But a huge opportunity knocks on her door, and she accepts Feris' job offer despite her father. What will happen when Kıraç hears this?


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